
Reflection and Documentation(8/27/23)

Throughout this projcet I got to find unique solutions for a unique challenge. Much of the project I wanted to achieve was completed but now getting the stepping stones down I have found a few places already I want to improve on in the project itself. Overall though I found that people seem to find the project to be cool and something that could be a possible solution in certain scenarios.

I found through testing and feedback, if this project is going to be something people are going to use it needs to be fast and reliable. There are lots of different compensations trying to get down either of those paths especially when it comes to the voice control. The way to make things more reliable tend to make it slower. To improve the accuruacy of the voice recognition, having longer phrases will result in higher confidence in the software, meaning more likely to play the correct action. However, this will decrease speed and force the user to learn longer and more complex phrases.

There is a lot of fine tuning with that but I was able to learn all the different parameters that fall into that. Another thing I ran into with this project was the ease of use for this project. In order to get data in and out of unreal relating to the ATEM my best solution was to use companion. Although this worked and there isn't necisarilly a big issue with having to run another program in the background, there are a lot of limitations with getting the data and what I can send based on what companion can do

The future of this project would most likely start with finding a voice control solution that allows minimal command issues, and is much more responsive than the current state. The accuracy of the commands is not too much of an issue but, in my opinion, it takes way too long to activate the action. After that I would want to find/create a better solution to bringing the ATEM data into unreal and sending out commands.

i fully believe that I made a lot of progress in this project and I have learned a lot about this subject in not just the testing but the research as well. I know this could be the solution for certain scenarios. This topic is definitely very niche and there isn't much here which is why I decided to step into it

You can find the document on how this project works here. Any questions, suggestions, or feedback can be sent to aFadedKnight@gmail.com or @afadedknight (discord and twitter).